It has been a while since I blogged last. This has been due to a lot of work that I have been doing and planning as well. Here is the work I will doing and blogging. Also I will be soon be launching my YouTube Channel that will showing tutorials and showcasing my work online. Once the name is decided I will do a separate post for it with the details.
Support Factor - This will a series of posts about support. Basically every week I will be writing about what things you should consider on how to better support your online projects and work. Things to consider like what if something happens what you can look into. I will applying my experience here as I have been a support Technician for more than 10 years now and showing things may be you have never considered and some that you use that you might now have noticed as bad habits or good habits.
Front Yard Tree – I was trimming the front yard and then I started to work on the tree cleaned it up. I will show you what I did on the front yard. It will be about do's and don't's when working on such a project. This is a DIY project you might want to consider.
Intro Video for YouTube Channel – I will be starting a YouTube channel but I need an intro for the videos so I will be creating that and I will document the whole creation in Blender 2.5. I will post it on YouTube and provide you with the channel information.
Intro to Carving - This will be my way of introducing carving. My work flow on how I go on to design things as well what to look out for. One thing I will introduce is designing with and without computers.
Walking/Hiking Stick – From the tree trimming I got nice piece of stick that I will be using to carve out designs on for using as a hiking stick or walking stick. I will be doing a blog spot as well as a video. I think I will attempt to design it in blender 2.5 first and come up with something feasible in making as well as using it when done. This post and video will be needed to be done in parts as I continue to work on it.
Here is an small example of my work I will be showing an updated version of the same work during the intro to carving. These are all long term posts and may be covered over 2 or 3 posts and video. I should be able to post at these a little more regularly on this so keep track.
This was an elephant head was craved on a Medium-density fiberboard (MDF) of 3/4”.