Friday, 26 March 2010

Webs of contemplation

Webs of contemplation
Originally uploaded by elephantatech

Another creation of Harmony web app. Just think about how your day went and what you did or doing next thing you know you are in a web of thoughts connecting to things you would have not realized. human mind and brain are powerful just exercise it everyday and you never know where it will lead you to. Again this work is licensed under creative commons license check the flickr page for more details. Click on the image for more details.

My official start to flickr with my blog

Originally uploaded by elephantatech

My official start to flickr and my art work. I will post more information for people to see and use for Creative commons use. I used harmony tool from from the web while. You can try using it from the web today from it does require HTML 5 enabled web browser. I think HTML 5 brings awesomeness to web in a whole new way in which we are just beginning to see a small peek. I can't wait to see what people will come up with.

Update: forgot to mention this is licensed under creative commons license please check flickr page for details. Click on the image above to go to flickr page