Friday, 17 October 2014

Sting at Ted

I started watching one video daily. Today I saw a video of Sting. He was rocking with the music. As an artist he talked how he got a writers block and could not come up with any new songs. Later on when working in shipping yard he started writing about other people and while doing that he found more about him self. Check out the video below or just go the ted talk.

Wednesday, 15 October 2014

"Linux Sucks" - 2014

Found this video recently that talks about what sucks on Linux. Bryan Lunduke states the problems with linux and what really is the problem. I really like how he ended the video stating the main objective of Linux being free is because simply it is used by people for their own use. Does not matter what or how it is used. what matters it is used for what you need it for. the Keyword is YOU.

Custom White Coffee table

I created a custom Coffee table for a friend of mine this summer for a stage presentation he needed. I the table height he needed was more than 18". when he looked around he only found the them to $70 or more in stores. So I build him one costing less than $50. Check out new work on my @Behance portfolio: "Custom White Coffee Table"